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And then, thought Clarissa Dalloway, what a morning—fresh as if issued to children on a beach.
What a lark! What a plunge! For so it had always seemed to her, when, with a little squeak of the hinges, which she could hear now, she had burst open the French windows and plunged at Bourton into the open air. How fresh, how calm, stiller than this of course, the air was in the early morning; like the flap of a wave; the kiss of a wave; chill and sharp and yet (for a girl of eighteen as she then was) solemn, feeling as she did, standing there at the open window, that something awful was about to happen; looking at the flowers, at the trees with the smoke winding off them and the rooks rising, falling; standing and looking until Peter Walsh said, “Musing among the vegetables?”—was that it?—”I prefer men to cauliflowers”—was that it? He must have said it at breakfast one morning when she had gone out on to the terrace—Peter Walsh. He would be back from India one of these days, June or July, she forgot which, for his letters were awfully dull; it was his sayings one remembered; his eyes, his pocket-knife, his smile, his grumpiness and, when millions of things had utterly vanished—how strange it was!—a few sayings like this about cabbages.








  1. TOEIC800点突破!こんな時だからこそ、じっくり取り組むチャンス【第29話】

  2. 1ヶ月でTOEIC600点取るための勉強法は?1ヶ月半で270点アップした体験談

  3. TOEIC点数がなかなか上がらない時【第39話】

  4. 270点アップ!?英語の勉強を始めたばかりの頃はボーナス時期【第9話】

  5. 楽しいTOEIC勉強法まとめ!英語の学習法おすすめは?

  6. モチベーションが上がらない時、他の人が妬ましく思える時【第19話】

  7. 全国通訳案内士(ガイド)の制度、試験科目、試験日、体験記

  8. 英会話スクール、英語学校のメリットとデメリット【第26話】

  9. 年齢なんて関係ないその2スウェーデンの音楽バンドABBAの話、芸術家の篠田桃紅さんの話など【第45話】

  10. TOEIC900点を取るためには何をすればよいのでしょうか?【第4話】